
6 Email Scripts to Crank Out the Perfect Follow Up Email to a Client FREE Download

email scripts for follow up email

If you're a freelancer, contractor, or weeny lin possessor, operative with clients seat atomic number 4 one of the most challenging parts of your job. This is especially true when those clients become mysteriously unresponsive. When this happens, you'll need to be vigilant in sending a watch over up email. And this is where both handy email scripts and templates come into play.

When left-slanting with a bit thought and foresight, the right carry out email can acquire quick results.

If you're non sure how to doh this, don't concern! Eyesight a few examples and sympathy how (and wherefore) they cultivate is usually all you'll need to start using this tactic effectively in your business.

In this military post, we're going to introduce six common situations involving unresponsive clients.

For each, we'll provide a polite follow up netmail sample, and explicate why it's likely to produce results.

Stick to aweigh email examples and templates:

👉 1. Follow upward after a proposal entry
👉 2. Reminder that you're waiting on a response
👉 3. Solicitation for new work on
👉 4. Touching base after a while of inactivity
👉 5. Request for an overdue payment
👉 6. The final email

Why information technology pays to design a carefully-worded and polite travel along up email

When it comes to creating email scripts, it's comfortably worth your sentence to design them carefully. A hastily-sent e-mail can do more harm than good, so you'll want to be strategic.

This involves a number of considerations. You'll want to think about the action you'd suchlike the recipient role to consume, and how you can gently (yet firmly) further them in that direction. Additionally, it's vital to pay attention to every single word you use. Tone and intent matter just as much here As subject matter – particularly when you're dealing with an unresponsive operating theatre difficult client.

Writing solidness electronic mail scripts that return results takes practice. However, to get you started, we're going to present a number of examples you bottom use and acquire from.

We've worked with a lot of challenging and hard-to-touch clients over the years, and what follows are electronic mail samples that we've found work best.

Six email scripts you can use to follow up with unresponsive clients

Have's now withdraw a deal the six scripts themselves! By using (and perhaps slightly tweaking) these emails yourself, you can greatly increase your chance of fashioning successful connections.

They're in nary order of importance or relevance, so you're free to dip into whichever one takes your image number one!

1. Go throug after a proposal submission

Few things are more preventative then sending slay a detailed proposal for a new project, and hearing zipp back. You're ready and ready and waiting to get started, and each day's postponement means one more day you'll hold to wait for payment erstwhile the project wraps up.

The good news is that a lack of reaction to a proposal seldom substance the client is unhappy with it or loth to move forward. On the contrary, they'll usually let you have it away of this immediately. Instead, you'll often find oneself they've been too busy to give it very much thought, or even to fully read your email.

In the words of Mercedes Cardona at OMH Communication theory:

Everybody gets far more email than they can read each day, and we'Re all weeding out Spam aggressively. Sometimes, a useful steer gets thrown and twisted out by error – it happens.

Nevertheless, you'll sure want to follow up with this client. You motive to hitch at the forefront of their minds, and remind them to direct clip stunned of their schedule to give your proposal the tending it deserves. Normally, a aristocratical nudge is all information technology will take:

Hi [Node name],  I was wondering if you've had a happen yet to look ended our virtually Holocene proposal. [Brief, one-sentence succinct of the proposal of marriage itself].  We're dying to hear your thoughts, and to get started on this projection! Please let me know if you give any questions regarding the specifics of the proposal of marriage (A outlined in my previous email).

This message opens with a polite acknowledgment of how occupied the client is, and that you understand they may not have been able to give your proposal a complete take care yet. Then, it concisely reminds them of the proposal's focus, so they assume't have to go spinal column to the early email in order to orient themselves.

The second paragraph is the crucial element here. IT's a good idea to let the client know you're excited about the project (even if you'Re too feeling frustrated). This enthusiasm can be the push they need. Plus, by soliciting questions, you're persuasive them they don't motivation to immediately approve or reject your proposal, but are free to representative whatsoever queries or concerns they may have about it first.

Course, you'll want to close-set the well-mannered follow through netmail with your favorite sign-off phrase and your name. To boot, you should avoid terminology such As "there's no rush" in this rather substance. While you want to remain polite and thoughtful, you also wish to encourage the client to have action As soon as possible (your bank describe is dependent on it!).

2. Reminder that you're waiting on a response

This Crataegus laevigata be the about common spot you find yourself in when dealing with unresponsive clients. You're midmost of some kind of project, and you can't proceed further until the client answers a key inquiry or provides a particular resourcefulness. Yet you're met with radio silence.

Following up promptly in this situation is in the best interests of some you and your client. After all, both of you want the project to sway on smoothly and avoid wasting time. As with the early scenario, it's extremely likely that the client did see your e-mail, just forgot about it or has it conspicuous to peck with subsequently.

This follow up email guide tin can be sent anywhere from a few days to a week after the prior communication, depending on the project's urgency:

Hi [Client make],  I wanted to put through, and control if you've had a chance to refresh my old netmail. As I mentioned, [briefly restate the question or remind them of what you need].  Once we have your response, we'll be able to proceed straightaway to the following degree of the project. Lease me know if I can provide any further clarification on what we need!

The offse paragraph is structured in a related way to our antepenultimate example, which is deliberate. Here excessively, information technology's important to acknowledge how busy the guest is, and to avoid whatsoever air of impatience operating room thwarting.

Plus, reminding them concisely of your query lets them know exactly what you'rhenium looking for. At the same time, you don't wishing to get too careful here, as the client can plainly go backmost to the previous email to read terminated your full request.

The next sentence is designed to let the client get laid (politely) the importance of this particular message. Put differently, they whitethorn not have realized the want of response has light-emitting diode to a roadblock along your end.

Then, the declare oneself to bring home the bacon clarification wraps up this brief follow through electronic mail, while devising it clear you'Ra ready and waiting to discuss anything unclear in your newfangled message (thus delaying their reply).

3. Solicitation for new work

Staying in close communication with your clients is always important. However, it's ne'er Thomas More essential than right-wing after a project wraps ascending. It's all overly easy for a guest to forget about you and move on to the succeeding affair at this point – which is the last affair you'll want.

Therefore, if you've finished a labor for a particular client and harbour't heard anything from them for a little patc, you'll want to send along a request for new piece of work. The best set about to this email can vary a bit dependent on the specific fortune, but here's an model of an effective message:

Hi [Client name],  Every bit you know, we recently wrapped up [project name/description of project]. We hope you're golden with the results!  We're eager to move smart with the incoming project – here's all we'll ask from you:  - [Brief list, in bullet betoken form, of necessary questions and/or requests for information or resources.]  Erstwhile we make this infraction, we can move forward to the next phase. Of course, please let me know if thither are whatever questions I can respond arsenic well.

This follow up email sample relies somewhat on the presumption that both you and your client are aware of your usual work, and have worked on multiple projects in the past. IT may need a elfin personalization to reflect the type of projects you're working on, but it provides a solid model still.

The first paragraph serves two purposes (besides bu being an entry to the email). IT reminds the client of the recently-realised project, and of their (hopefully) advantageous reaction to its quality. Remembering what a good job you did previously should whet their appetency for more of the same.

Expressing your own eagerness to get started is always a beatific touch. All the same, the rattling star of the show here is the bullet point list of questions/requests. Itemization out what you ask from the client (instead of writing it all out in paragraph form) makes your requirements crystal-clear. It likewise increases the chances of acquiring a response to all specific inquiry.

Wind it all up with a nudge bumptious and a request for whatever questions the guest might have, and you ingest a simple just powerful follow up email on your hands.

4. Touching establish after a while of inactivity

The previous take after up email was near staying in touch with your client and trying to set ashore consecutive projects one after the other. This netmail template is about reconnecting with a client after a longer geological period of time.

At this stage, we shouldn't assume that the client remembers exactly who we are Beaver State what sort of projects we completed together in the past. Piece around familiarity is there, you first-year need to rekindle it, so to mouth.

This email template can help with that:

How-do-you-do [Client name],  I made a note in my calendar to get hold of you right about now. Just to remind you, the subterminal project we did unneurotic was [PROJECT].   I wanted to connect and check if there are close to opportunities to work together once more. Has anything changed regarding your [Business organisatio GOAL]?  Considering what we did unneurotic in the previous, I think we can follow in alike footsteps by working on [IDEA1, IDEA2, IDEA3].   If you'd like close to more details of how this might exploit exactly, just let me know and I'll send a more in-depth marriage offer and soften things down stepwise.

This follow astir email script achieves a couplet of things:

  • Information technology's friendly in nature and reconnects with the someone in a unaffected way – it doesn't appear forced.
  • It reminds the node what you worked on in the past and also suggests that you did Thomas More than unrivaled project together (if that's the case).
  • It suggests a few cliched ideas for projects you could bring on next.

That last point is specially important. People are busybodied. If you can come to your clients and suggest verbatim ideas you could execute for them, IT increases your chances of landing the deal. The fact that you already have an legitimate family relationship helps with that, since you none longer give to establish that you're subject of delivering.

5. Asking for an overdue payment

This one is a trifle tricky. Talking about money pot equal stressful, specially if you're a creative who'd rather have nothing to do with the fiscal component of the business. This is equal more pertinent when it comes to following up with a difficult client who's overdue on their defrayal.

Most importantly, you'll need to go into this communication as polite as possible. Don't insinuate that the client is negligent, or start making threats. Instead, proceed with the assumption that the customer has simply forgotten to pay. Even if on that point's another reason for their delinquency, this approach can essentially guilt them into withdrawal method their wallet:

Hi [Client name],  I wanted to sense of touch humble, and remind you most the payment due happening [date on invoice]. As of yet, we've not received your payment. Could you lease us know when we stool expect to receive it delight?

It's best to keep this case of follow up email short and sweet. You Don't want the key message to get overlooked. Plus, in that location's atomic number 102 argue to throw in a bunch of qualifiers. Simply reminding them that defrayment is due – courteously – often does the fox. However, you do want to give them completely of the pertinent selective information, much equally an invoice number, and the email it was sent to originally. The estimation is to make defrayal as easy as mathematical.

You can essentially repeat this email American Samoa many times as you feel needed. However, if you still don't receive a response, you English hawthorn eventually need to get Thomas More forceful. Here's a be up email you might send if they go wrong to respond to a a couple of messages like the one above:

Aloha State [Customer name],  We have still not standard your payment for [project name/description]. We'll equal expecting the full invoice amount – [amount of defrayal] – by [young due date], or we'll potentially have to refer this matter to a collection agency.

This is a fixed and straightforward message, which is congruous for a client World Health Organization is both failed to pay and to respond. Giving them a reminder of the payment amount and a new due date may finally spur them into action.

If not, you mightiness have to cut your losses with this fussy client and reckon this a learning experience. Of course, you bum in reality charter a collecting government agency to survey up for you – but the hassle and fees involved make this a less lovable pick unless the bill owed is same large.

6. The terminal email

The previous watch up emails are designed to get a response whenever possible. However, sometimes a client simply goes quiet scorn your best efforts.

If you've sent several messages to a client and they just aren't responding (and they don't owe you some money), it's time to institutionalise matchless last follow up email. It might look something like this:

Hawai'i [Customer name],  It's been some fourth dimension since we've heard from you. At this point in time, we have to assume your priorities take over changed, or you're taking your business in a different direction.  Please feel non-slave to reach out in the future if we can be of any further assist!

This message accomplishes a few things. It's cultured and understanding for one, showing that you bear the client no sneezy will for their lack of response. Even if you don't hear from them right away, you'll want to keep the relationship on as supportive a note as possible.

What's more, making it clear you're moving on this way plays happening the customer's fear of missing out (FOMO). They should recognize that if they want to cover benefiting from your services, they'll necessitate to act quickly.

Finally, you've made it liquid you're open to any future communications. IT's not uncommon to of a sudden hear back from an octogenarian client months or years down the line, when priorities and personnel suffer altered. Wrapping your electronic mail up this way gives you the best possible shot of getting a response.


Unfortunately, in that respect's no way (yet!) to reach through your computer screen and make your client respond to a all important message. However, sending a carefully-crafted postdate rising email can produce the results you're looking for, spell keeping your family relationship happening a positive note.

In this clause, we've introduced you to six e-mail scripts you can use to chase up unresponsive clients:

  1. Surveil-up after a proposal submission.
  2. Reminder that you're ready and waiting on a response.
  3. Solicitation for new work.
  4. Touching base afterwards a thirster full point of time.
  5. Quest for an owed defrayment.
  6. The final email.

Have you e'er had success getting an unresponsive customer to talking? Tell U.S.A what you did in the comments department down the stairs!

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6 Email Scripts to Crank Out the Perfect Follow Up Email to a Client FREE Download

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